Carolinas PGA Resolution 1

January 15, 2019

Dear Section Members,

As your President, I am writing on behalf of the entire Carolinas PGA Board of Directors to solicit your support for the approval of a constitutional Resolution of a modest dues increase that will be presented to you during our Annual Meeting on Monday, February 18th. Your board has done its utmost in due diligence to analyze the significance associated with this initiative.

Our Section staff is tasked with the responsibility in continuing to provide the quality of member services that we all depend upon and absolutely need. I am confident that we all share the opinion that our Executive Director, Jeff Abbot, and his staff have exceeded our expectations in their accountability to us for this endeavor.

Your officers, board and staff have worked diligently in attempting to reduce costs and identify additional sources of revenue to supplement the Section. We have been fortunate to secure and maintain a number of new corporate partnerships. These efforts will continue to be a focus; however, it is incumbent upon ALL of us to provide our Section with the only source of revenue for which the membership has complete control – our current dues structure.

The supporting Resolution documents at the links below clearly identify the necessary resources for us to continue in a sound fiscal manner. Once this Resolution is hopefully passed, it will allow our staff to implement the Board of Directors’ strategic objectives.

I personally ask for your support and vote of confidence of this Resolution at our Annual Meeting to be held on Monday, February 18, 2019.

The officers and staff have presented this resolution during recent fall Area and Chapter meetings and received positive feedback. The officers will be on hand, Monday morning, February 18, during the Annual Meeting registration period to answer your questions in person.  If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me or a fellow officer prior to the meeting.

 Paige Cribb Signature

Paige Cribb, PGA
CPGA President


CLICK HERE to View Resolution 1
CLICK HERE to see Q&A about the proposed Dues Increase