Please contact Kurt Battenberg if you would like to be on the waitlist for our 2025 Super Show. There will likely be a few spaces available still. Please see Frequently Asked Questions below for more information about our show.
The Merchandise Show is the largest regional golf show and features 200 plus vendor booths in a 60,000 square foot hall. We invite over 2,200 PGA Members from our Section and typically have 1,200-1,500 attendees including golf shop buyers and merchandisers.
Yes! The first booth before December 31 is $695 and it will be $530 for each additional booth.
Starting January 1st, 2025, the first booth will be $745 but it will still be $530 for each additional booth.
The Merchandise Show will be Monday February 17th and Tuesday February 18th, 2025.
Monday: 10AM to 5PM (additional appointment only hours available from 8AM to 10AM)
Tuesday: 9:30AM to 2PM (additional appointment only hours available from 8AM to 9:30AM)
Vendors can set up between 11AM and 8PM on Sunday, February 16th, 2025.
Single booths are 10’ x 10’
Each booth will be provided with 8 ft. high back wall drape, 3 ft. high side divider drape, one 6 ft. draped table, two chairs, one 7 in. x 44 in. identification sign, one wastebasket with liner, booth carpet, exhibitor badges, and 24-hour security.
If you showed with us in 2024 we will do our best to place you in the same location you had provided that you register by December 31, 2024. If you are a new vendor or would like a different location, we will reach out to you in order of registration to place your booth for 2025 starting in early January after early registration closes and we confirm repeat booths from 2024.
Yes! Parking is free for Vendors at the First Horizon Coliseum.
Please do not ship directly to the Coliseum. Please contact Hollins Expositions for information on shipping.
If you need Electricity for your booth, you must arrange that through the Coliseum. Click the link below for their order form. You will need to complete this in advance. Electricity is $50 for a drop cord at your booth. You can send them a check or fax an application with your credit card information.
We’re happy to help answer any other questions!
Please email Kurt Battenberg, PGA at or call (336) 398-2672 with any additional questions.